C. Hardyana.

SKU: C206H

(warscewiczii x dowiana). A remake of this classic hybrid originally made in 1896. This cross uses a superior coerulea form of C. warscewiczii and a very good aurea form of C. dowiana. Not sure exactly what we will get. Should be mostly cream or white with a coerulea lip, maybe some semi-alba, and maybe some standard lavender. Most will have a large lip with gold ‘eyes’ with red/purple veining. Pictured are the parent plants.



(warscewiczii x dowiana). A remake of this classic hybrid originally made in 1896. This cross uses a superior coerulea form of C. warscewiczii and a very good aurea form of C. dowiana. Not sure exactly what we will get. Should be mostly cream or white with a coerulea lip, maybe some semi-alba, and maybe some standard lavender. Most will have a large lip with gold ‘eyes’ with red/purple veining. Pictured are the parent plants.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 16 in
Pot Size

Plant Size

(I) Immature

Bloom Season

(Su-V) Summer-Variable


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